Current classes


4:30PM  ⏩ Shift Happens: Helping Dogs Find Their Next Gear
Want your dog to run faster? Boost your dog's drive while exploring handling options that promote speed.

6:00PM  🦎 Velcro No Mo’: Independence for Sticky Pups
No more babysitting each obstacle. Let’s add some breathing room in between you and your teammate.

7:30PM  ⏩ Shift Happens: Helping Dogs Find Their Next Gear
Want your dog to run faster? Boost your dog's drive while exploring handling options that promote speed.


9:00AM  🐌 From Snails to Turbo Tails: Drive Foundations
Exhausted of cheerleading your dog all the way to the finish line? The dog losing interest after two obstacles? Let's fix that.

10:30AM  🚇 Tunnel Vision: Helping Dogs See the Bigger Picture!
Struggling with your dog getting sucked into the tunnels? This one's for you!

$225 / 5 weeks     Rising Star Canine Ranch

$195 early bird till Jan 7th

 Sign up today via FB or‪ text:
(336) 338-8622