Train with me

  • In-person private lessons in Blairsville, northern Georgia (120×80 agility field, outdoors, grass) — $80/h
  • Zoom/Google Meet online lessons — $80/h
  • Video analysis of your runs or training sessions — $50/10 min of video content (tip: send 3 min video, get feedback, improve, send 3 min video…)

Interested?PM me on Facebook


  • I seem to be good at getting the dogs to run fast…

#1 20″ BDA Power60 for 2023

Beauvais has ranked the fastest agility dog 2023 across all AKC dogs in all heights

Beauvais – 1st place Speedstakes 20″ at Brilliant Dogs UKI Cup 2023
  • Our contacts aren’t that bad…
Beauvais – 1st place Penthatlon Agility 20″ UKI West Coast Open 2023
  • Our weaves are pretty decent too…

Interested?PM me on Facebook